วันพุธที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Phra Maha Chedi Chai Mongkol , Roi-Et , Thailand

Phra  Maha Chedi Chai Mongkol is located in Phu Khao Kiew, Ban Tha
Sa-ard, Moo 6, Tumbon Pha Nam Yoi, Nong Phok, Roi-Et. The distance from Roi-Et is 62 kilometres. The distance from Nong Phok to Ban Thasa-ard is 9 km. When  you are in Ban Thasa-ard turn left. Phra  Maha Chedi  Chai  Mongkol is  5 kilometres from here.

It is the one of the largest Chedis (pagodas) in the country. Phra Maha Chedi Chai Mongkol has 6 floors. The Chedi is 101 metres wide, 101 metres long and 101 metres high. The Chedi was built on 101 rai (about 40 acres) piece of land. The number 101 symbolizes the name of Roi-Et province, pronounced “Roi-Et” in Thai.

The 1st floor
a large hall, elegant wall plaque sign Tanatibdi various merit a meeting with the statue of Luang Pu v Sri Maha Road founder
The 2nd floor
the grand hall as well. Wall-mounted Buddha exquisitely patterned Thailand. Used as a large conclave. Be a monk for 2000-3000.
The 3rd floor
enshrined is the faculty mentor, the East Bay is shaped like a marble in the past. I like the body shape and body Pฏipan Nova 101.
The 4th floor
Is  a museum show temple. What is the meditation that I perfected my Si. I practice the Dhamma. Outside is a panoramic view of the surround.
The 5th floor
Spiral staircase 119 step and hallway the bell 8 square to keep the Buddha relics
The 6th- 7th floor
the top-tiered pagoda bell.  Not to be.

DO and DON’Ts
-  You must take off your hat and shoes
-  You must be quiet and discard garbage in the bins
- You cannot bring pets, snacks and beverages
- You cannot use candles or joss sticks, smoke and drink
-  You cannot touch the walls or the statues

